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  • About the AdTech Forum

    We are thrilled to announce a powerful partnership between AdTechGod(™) and OhHello.io, marking a pivotal moment in advertising.


    The AdTech Forum was created to address popular advertising topics and foster innovation by bringing together industry thought leaders, innovators, and experts from AdTech, Agency, and Brand sectors.


    Recognizing the industry's thirst for knowledge, we empower the community through open discussions with industry experts.


    Each series will focus on a topic ranging from creative to yield with a goal of eliminating industry noise and getting straight to the topic.


    Together, we can create a brighter future for advertising.

  • About us

    AdTechGod(™) and Jeremy Bloom have joined forces to deliver an exciting video series to the advertising, marketing, and media community, aiming to cut through the industry's noise and bring you "The AdTech Forum".

    What we do

    In each episode of The AdTech Forum, AdTechGod(™) and Jeremy Bloom delve into a burning topic in advertising and marketing. We assemble a panel of senior-level marketers, agency experts, and industry thought leaders to discuss challenges and solutions. Additionally, every episode features 1-2 non-competitive sponsors who provide valuable solutions and insights for the issues advertisers are facing.

    Who we are

    AdTechGod(™) and Jeremy Bloom boast a combined audience of 45,000 engaged viewers, listeners, and key decision-makers within the advertising, adtech, and media industries.

  • Contact Us!